Interface AFSocketExtensions

All Known Subinterfaces:
AFSYSTEMSocketExtensions, AFTIPCSocketExtensions, AFUNIXSocketExtensions, AFVSOCKSocketExtensions
All Known Implementing Classes:
AFDatagramChannel, AFDatagramSocket, AFSocket, AFSocketChannel, AFSYSTEMDatagramChannel, AFSYSTEMDatagramSocket, AFSYSTEMSocket, AFSYSTEMSocketChannel, AFTIPCDatagramChannel, AFTIPCDatagramSocket, AFTIPCSocket, AFTIPCSocketChannel, AFUNIXDatagramChannel, AFUNIXDatagramSocket, AFUNIXSocket, AFUNIXSocketChannel, AFVSOCKDatagramChannel, AFVSOCKDatagramSocket, AFVSOCKSocket, AFVSOCKSocketChannel

public interface AFSocketExtensions
Defines certain methods that all junixsocket socket implementations share and extend beyond the standard socket API. The set of features include methods to support working with ancillary messages (such as file descriptors) as well as socket credentials. Keep in mind that the platform this code runs on may not support these features, and exceptions may be thrown when not checking for the corresponding AFSocketCapability first.
Christian Kohlschütter